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Food Safety Modernization Act Overview

In 2011 President Obama signed into law the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The focus of this law is to shift the food safety culture in the United States from responding to the contamination of food to preventing it. It requires companies to be proactive in providing a safe food supply.  While this is the most sweeping change in food safety law in 70 years, it builds on existing regulations to ensure a broader approach to food safety. 


There were 7 rules promulgated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a result of FSMA. 


A link is provided to the text of each federal rule.  See subject-specific sites for Preventive Control for Human Food, Produce Safety, and Sanitary Transportation Rule


Preventive Controls for Human Food


Preventive Controls for Food for Animals


Produce Safety


Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food


Foreign supplier verification Programs (FSVP)


Accredited Third Party Certification


Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration 


FSMA Rules & Guidance for Industry